Evening Shadow

Alessandro Serra

Lithuania / Klaipeda PlArtForma festival, 17-18 September 2020

Italy / Triennale Teatro dell'Arte, 18-19 December 2018

Giacometti's art seems to me to want to discover that secret wound of every being, and even of every object so that it can illumine them. (Jean Genet)

Giacometti's art seems to me to want to discover that secret wound of every being, and even of every object so that it can illumine them.(Jean Genet)
Evening Shadow takes inspiration from the life and work of Alberto Giacometti, whose universe is evoked in a silent and essential tale composed of images and movement. A movement that never corresponds to mere displacement, but rather to a more profound, intimate quality. The dramaturgy's structure draws its inspiration from the work of Giacometti: precise forms from which some potential quality of movement can be drawn, combined with fragments of humanity to be evoked. 
To discover and to reveal that the substance of which these slender figures are made is not tormented flesh nor meatless bones, but rather a special, invisible membrane that bursts into flame on contact with a gaze that is pure and able to penetrate the most recondite wound and unveil its solitary and afflicted beauty. 

The story is told by a female point of view inspired by the three women in Giacometti's life: his mother Annetta, his wife Annette and the prostitute Caroline. 
The space could be a small hotel room, a cave designed by a child or the tiny atelier on the ground floor. A modest, half-empty room that vibrates around them. A simple light bulb, day and night. One in his studio and one on the nightstand in the bedroom. A gaunt and remote space, intimate and foreign. A space in which time is suspended, at the point of transition between night and dawn, in the moment of the supreme uncertainty everything is continuously transformed into a vertical slowness.

For Giacometti, the great adventure consisted perhaps in seeing something unknown blossom in the same face every day.  Nothing more real was ever carved by an artist: Giacometti's works are born of the obsession of depicting exactly what he saw, and as he saw it. It is about real-life portraiture that we are talking about and not abstract art. It will be a real-life portrait. 



direction, set, lights Alessandro Serra

performed by Chiara Michelini

cCompagnia Teatropersona

co-production Sardegna Teatro, Foundation Centro Giacometti – Stampa (CH)

with the support of
cRegione Toscana Sistema regionale dello spettacolo dal vivo

duration of the show │1h without intermission

photos ©Chiara Ferrin | Alessandro Serra

Alessandro Serra became acquainted with theatre at a very young age by adapting the cinematographic works of  Ingmar Bergman for theatrical representations and the practice of Martial Arts.His acting studies began firstly through Grotowski’s physical action and vocal vibrations, to later study the objective laws of corporeal movement on stage as conceived by Mejerchol’d and Decroux.